
标题: [分享]一首When I Dream At Night [打印本页]

作者: 只聊天不要金像    时间: 2006-6-29 09:41
标题: 回复:[分享]一首When I Dream At Night
作者: 已戒烟    时间: 2006-6-29 20:15
标题: [分享]一首When I Dream At Night
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<img src="http://www.franceskeevilart.com.au/images/Smith%20-%20Midsummer%20Night's%20dream%201.jpg"></P>
I have been in love <BR>and been alone <BR>I have traveled over many miles <BR>to find a home <BR>there&acute;s that little place <BR>inside of me <BR>that I never thought could <BR>take control of everything <BR>but now I just spend all my time <BR>with anyone <BR>who makes me feel <BR>the way she does <BR><BR>[Chorus:] <BR><BR>&acute;Cause I only feel alive <BR>when I dream at night <BR>even though she&acute;s not real <BR>it&acute;s all right <BR>&acute;cause I only feel alive <BR>when I dream at night <BR>every move that she makes <BR>holds my eyes <BR>and I fall for her every time <BR><BR>I&acute;ve so many things I want to say <BR>I&acute;ll be ready when <BR>the perfect moment <BR>comes my way <BR>I had never known <BR>what&acute;s right for me <BR>&acute;til the night <BR>she opened up my heart <BR>and set it free <BR>But now I just spend all my time <BR>with anyone <BR>who makes me feel <BR>the way she does <BR><BR>[Repeat Chorus] <BR><BR>Now I just spend all my time <BR>with anyone <BR>who makes me feel <BR>the way she does <BR><BR>[Repeat Chorus]</P>
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<TD><EMBED style="BORDER-RIGHT: silver 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: silver 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: silver 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: silver 1px solid" src=http://webhome.idirect.com/~csdj/Anthony,%20Mark%20-%20When%20I%20Dream%20At%20Night.mp3 width=250 height=50 type=audio/x-mplayer2 loop="-1" autostart="1" volume="0" EnableContextMenu="0" showstatusbar="1" console="video"> </TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><a href="http://webhome.idirect.com/~csdj/Anthony,%20Mark%20-%20When%20I%20Dream%20At%20Night.mp3" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#777777>下载地址</FONT></A></CENTER></TD></TR></TABLE>
作者: 天亮做梦    时间: 2006-6-29 20:35
标题: 回复:[分享]一首When I Dream At Night

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