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发表于 2007-1-11 21:58:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
今天上午去美国的火箭论坛看了看,哇,好多帖子都是怀疑和否定姚明对球队作用的,休斯敦的姚黑比中国的多多了,而且水平也高多了。既然媒体从来报喜不报忧,我混球姚老二就翻译几段帖子给大家看看。 <BR><BR>1.One of the reasons that T-mac is more effective is that the team has less turnovers when T-mac is the main engine. If you look at the stats, in those wins, Rox has less TOs than their season average which is around 15 per game. <BR>When Yao plays and T-mac does not play, the team has to pass the ball a lot to Yao. This creates a lot of turnover problems. Now you can say this is due to the guards' inability to pass to the post or Yao's tendency of not securing the ball, either way, this is going to be a problem once Yao comes back. and Rox could lose some of the winnable games due to turnovers. <BR><BR>麦迪变得更高效得原因之一就是当麦迪成为球队发动机的时候失误更少了。如果你看看数据统计,在那些取得胜利的场次,火箭的的失误要少于以前的场均15次左右。当姚在麦不在的时候,球队必须经常把球交给姚,这造成了许多许多的失误。你可以把这理解成是后卫传球不好或者姚不会接球,但是这也是姚伤愈归来的时候需要面对的问题,因为(姚明的)失误,火箭会失去一些本来能够取得胜利的比赛。 <BR>2.May I say: <BR><BR>If Deke was 5-6 years younger, we don't need Yao anymore ? <BR><BR>I love yao, but that is the truth. <BR>我可不可以说: <BR>如果穆托姆博再年轻个五六岁,我们就不再需要姚了? <BR>我喜爱姚,但是这是事实! <BR><BR>3 we still need yao, at least, on the bench, Deke starts. <BR><BR>Deke is beast~~~ <BR>我们仍然需要姚,至少在板凳上需要,让穆托姆博首发,穆托姆博就是只野兽! <BR><BR>4.JVG runs a slow game to begin with, and when Yao is in there, it slows it down even more, when Yao is out, . I think in general, Houston Rockets fans are obsessed with the center position because of <BR>Dream (rightfully so), but in today's NBA, it is not necessary to have a dominant center to win. This is a guard's league and having a guard like Tmac who can shoot, play D, AND handle the ball in critical situations is more important than having a dominant center. Look at Dallas, Phoenix, the Lakers &amp; even the Heat. Yeah Yeah I know they have Shaq, but Wade runs that team and did so in the finals. This is a guard's league. <BR><BR>I love Yao and YOF's will not want to hear this, but this is the reality of today's NBA. <BR><BR>混球姚老二翻译:虽然范甘迪以前带领的就是慢速球队,但当姚在球场上的时候,范甘迪还得把球队速度放的更慢(这句话我依据实际情况翻译的和原文有出入),我知道许多火箭的球迷因为大梦的缘故对中锋位置充满疑惑,但这就是现在的NBA,不再非得需要一个有统治力的中锋才能获胜。这是一个后卫得联盟,球队需要一个象麦迪这样既能得分又能防守还能在关键时刻接管比赛得球员比需要一个大中锋更迫切。看看小牛,太阳,湖人甚至热火,哪个队有统治力的中锋。是的,我知道热火有沙克,但是是韦德是这支球队的发动机,在总决赛也是如此。这是一个后卫统治的联盟! <BR>我喜爱姚而且知道姚迷不愿意听到这些,但是这就是现在的NBA! <BR><BR>5 I agree. But I think we can get there without him. So I don't want them to rush him back right away until he is completely healed and ready to go. <BR>我赞成,我们不需要姚就能取得胜利,因此我希望姚伤不完全好透不要回来。 <BR><BR><BR>6 Who is this 'Yao' person that y'all are referring to? <BR>你们所指的“姚”是谁啊?
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发表于 2007-1-12 07:37:16 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-1-12 07:46:18 | 只看该作者


<P>生在中国 我是“姚蜜”</P>
发表于 2007-1-12 12:45:57 | 只看该作者


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